Is There Really Psychology To Organizing a Menu? - Love, Jane
July 17, 2023

Is There Really Psychology To Organizing a Menu?

I think you will agree that menus are everywhere. We plan weekly what our family will eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner each day. We plan for special events, to cook meals for those we know who may not be feeling well, or to prepare a treat as a gift. We may decide to order a meal. There’s a menu each time we decide to do so. At home, when planning a menu, we just think of our favorite dishes. At restaurants, it’s a part of their business to plan a menu that thoroughly captures the grand idea of their restaurant. It can very well mean success or not. We typically credit the success of a restaurant to how good the food is, how consistent they are, and the customer service. No doubt, all of those things collectively play a huge part, but before they can even get a chance to get that far, they must start with a well thought out menu.

What Is Considered A Successful Menu?

A successful menu has to align with the concept of the restaurant. A potential customer should be able to look at the menu and it works as an advertisement, a window to the restaurant. A restaurant’s menu should be like great PR – the design, the prices, everything on the menu should be promotional. The menu should be designed first, then the restaurant should reflect the menu.

A good menu should be consistent. No matter how many times a dish is prepared, that dish should be the exact same each and every time. Taste, texture, appetizing plating, and the quality of the dishes should be constantly tested to see how they can be improved.

It’s good for menus to be updated often seasonally and for changes that may be needed. If the grilled catfish isn’t selling, for example, should it be on the menu?

The pricing strategy is very important as well. The restaurant should profit, however, the prices should be reasonable. The font should be easy to read. Proofread also. Make sure everything is spelled correctly. It’s also important to take the kitchen into consideration. Have a balanced menu. If you have mostly fried dishes, it’ll be hard on the cooks at the fryer and there may be a hold-up at the fryer when it gets busy.

Psychology On Menus?

So, how is there psychology when menu planning? There are a number of different ways. One of the ways to draw more attention to certain dishes is to put a box or star (asterisk) around a certain dish. When this is done, it invites the customers’ eyes.

Did you know that successful restaurants pay close attention to how the price is written? The currency sign next to the dollar amount can possibly create anxiety for some customers, therefore, many restaurants put the price, excluding the currency sign. Some restaurants, including fine-dining restaurants, may put a dish that may be a little pricier than the other dishes to make the dishes surrounding that dish seem like a bargain.

Are you familiar with the tri-fold menus? Well, it’s been said that customers typically look at the center first, then the right, then the left side of the menu. Business owners take that into consideration when organizing their menus. Would they prefer the dishes they want the customers to pay attention to most be the first dishes they see?

There are so many important things to take into consideration when restaurant owners are organizing their menus. No matter what, integrity is important for the business owners. They have fun with their menus and they do so honestly. They want new customers to return completely excited about supporting their business, and of course, delicious food and great customer service.

They make sure all the dishes are of outstanding quality. Whatever they promise on a menu is what they will offer. For example, if the description of a dish says, ” baked to order”, they won’t give you something that has been baked a week ago. They don’t overwhelm their customers by having too many dishes on the menu. Too many dishes on a menu can possibly make it hard to decide what to order.

And, of course, they have fun and enjoy the process of a well-organized menu and successful business.

Are you looking for help organizing a menu that sets you up for success for your business or a special event? What about recipe development and food photography? Feel free to visit my Work with Me Page and let’s talk food! I am very passionate about food. Any service I provide is tailored to your brand’s specific needs from developing delicious recipes to shooting mouth-watering photography and revamping or designing your restaurant’s menu.

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